Sustainable Silverton recognizes the imperative to respond to the changing climate as an unparalleled creative opportunity — to enhance our community’s resilience and self-reliance, support our local economy and create quality local jobs, improve health and livability. We act to support planet-friendly choices that improve and safeguard our community for current and future Silvertonians.


Sustainable Silverton envisions our town as strong and healthy, active and vibrant, prepared and resilient, for generations to come.

Join us and volunteer however you are able.


Information and Links you want to know about

News and Updates

Check out what is happening now

Save the Dates: 

29 March 2025  Native Garden Planting

Oregon Garden, Silverton OR 

Community Song Care for the Grieving

3rd Wednesday of the Month 

Solar Case Study

Elyce Hues lives in Silverton and is entusiastic about sustainable living.  She has embarked on a journey to explore Solar and Energy Efficenency Upgrades on a personal level.  This is the way you really learn; personal experience.  Walk along with her as she walks the walk.   Read More